Replacing a shower can come with many benefits, from increased safety to improved hygiene and more comfortable showers. And with the tub and tile installation experts at The Bathroom Store, we can help make replacing your shower easier and more cost-effectively. Here are six excellent reasons why you should replace your old shower today!

Outdated Shower Design
Your shower could also be outdated. Older models often lack customization options or come with unattractive designs which don’t match modern bathroom trends. Replacing it will give you access to modern materials and styles, allowing you to create the perfect look for any bathroom space while still taking advantage of all the latest technology available today.
Increased Home Value
Replacing an old shower also has financial benefits-it could potentially increase the value of your home. Newer models tend to have better aesthetics than older ones due to their improved construction techniques. They can add visual appeal and even extra square footage depending on how much bigger they are compared to previous versions of showers.
An Old Shower Can Be Unsafe
Your old shower may be unsafe due to cracked tiles, poorly sealed grout, or loose fixtures. These issues could potentially lead to accidents, such as slips and falls, if not addressed properly. By hiring a tub replacement contractor to convert your old shower, you can ensure the safety of everyone who uses it.
Easier Maintenance
Older showers require more maintenance than newer ones due to less efficient plumbing systems, causing clogs. They also need more cleaning because dirt gets trapped in crevices easily over time. In contrast, newer models feature smooth surfaces, which make them easier to clean up after use (and maintain over the years!). This ultimately translates into fewer repairs needed down the line, saving money long-term, too, since there won’t be as many costly replacements necessary.
Improved Hygiene
Newer showers usually come equipped with better water pressure settings – allowing users to take quicker baths. Another perk is a more efficient drainage system, resulting in a cleaner and healthier bathroom environment. Users won’t have to worry about bacteria or mold build-up.
A More Comfortable Shower
Replacing an old shower can make your overall bathroom experience much more comfortable. Many modern models come with a bigger space inside the stall, allowing for more movement while taking showers. Others have luxurious items like steam rooms, which are perfect after long work days.
Ready to upgrade your shower? Contact The Bathroom Store in Bismarck, ND, and make the most of your bathroom space. Whether you’re looking for a tub-to-shower conversion or a complete sink installation, our professional team will help you through the entire bathroom remodeling process. Call us today at (701) 223-1008 to get started! You can also fill out our online form to schedule a consultation.